May 20

Top 10 everlasting perennials

Created by Anna Kapuvari

Using vivid flowers in your garden design is one of the greatest things you can do because they give your borders life and draw bees and butterflies. Our selection consists of the floweriest cultivars that, whether they are grown in a border or a container, will keep you interested in colour throughout time.

  1. Libertia grandiflora

    An indigenous plant species from New Zealand that thrived in London and other parts of the UK. a grass-like perennial that forms clumps and has tall white flowers and berries that last all winter. needs a bright, protected area in order to thrive in the event of a frost.

  2. Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’

    This perennial favorite’s spiky purple blossoms will add spice to any garden setting. Balkan clary will continue to produce new flowers if consistently deadheaded and placed in a sunny area. Part shadow is also acceptable, but it won’t be as active.

  3. Agapanthus africanus

    The African lily is a perennial with summer blooms, although it has year-round foliage. It will survive in the shade but won’t grow any blossoms. It enjoys acidic soil and full sun.

  4. Erysimum ‘Bowles’s Mauve’

    One of our favourite wallflowers, this plant will flower pretty much all year around if you keep pruning back the dead flower heads. It is a bushy, evergreen plant with a wooden base that needs enough of sunlight for its profusion of blossoms. For roof-top containers, it works just fine.

  5. Centranthus ruber

    A Mediterranean species with faintly aromatic flowers is the red valerian. If you allow it, this semi-evergreen plant with a wooden foundation will readily self-seed in your garden. To avoid it getting invasive, trim down the flower-head in late July before they set seeds.

  6. Geranium ‘Rozanne’

    One of the best trailing plants for gardens; great for raised beds made of repurposed brick or wood. It is a perennial that spreads quickly. Its extended flowering season lasts from early summer to late October. It thrives in the majority of soil types and even blooms in partial shade.

  7. Verbena bonariensis

    The Argentine vervain, which can grow up to 2.5 metres tall, is one of the tallest perennials you can buy for a garden. Bees adore its clusters of purple blooms, but you can only enjoy them if you cut this hardy perennial back each year and continue to deadhead it as well.

  8. Alchemilla mollis

    Another excellent ground cover and trailing plant that works great in raised beds. The greatest part of the lady’s mantle is its somewhat hairy, soft-green foliage, which possesses dewetting characteristics and holds on to the water droplets like tiny pearls. It also blooms during the summer with pale yellow flowers.

  9. Nepeta x faassenii

    Although it has wonderful smelling silver-green leaves, this garden cat mint is not the real cat mint and won’t drive your cats or the cats of your neighbours insane. The violet flowers appear during the Summer, and if kept deadheaded will stay on until late Autumn.

  10. Erigeron karvinskianus

    The tenth and final member of this list is perennial, which blooms from early spring through late autumn. It makes a beautiful sunny ground cover and can survive in any type of soil. The Mexican fleabane forms a continuous mat throughout its growing season and contains daisy-like white flower heads. It prefers direct sunlight and cannot thrive in clay soil.

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March 11

Top 10 plants for cottage style borders

Created by Anna Kapuvari

Cottage-style gardens are some of the most fruitful for both gardeners and garden owners because their perennial beauty draws in pollinators like bees and butterflies and provides refuge and food for a wide variety of wildlife. So, choose the right species is essential if you want your garden to be interesting throughout the year. Our top picks for a charming cottage garden border.

  1. Geraniums

    Geraniums are a safe pick if you need a groundcover or a plant to edge a border. They are available in a wide variety of shades, but pinks, blues, and whites are particularly common. Once they begin blooming, it’s very difficult to stop them from producing a dome-shaped, multicoloured swath along the border.

  2. Alliums

    This gorgeous bulb blooms in late spring or early summer and adds a stunning architectural element to your border. They range in size from chives to the Globemaster and are typically lavender, pink, and white in colour. Keep them on while they dry out to ensure they return the following year.

  3. Sisyrinchium striatum

    The pale yellow-eyed grass is the plant to use if you want a touch of yellow to provide vertical flair. Although most individuals would choose a white-and-purple colour scheme for their borders, it’s always a good idea to pair purple with another complementary colour, such as yellow.

  4. Astrantias

    Another dependable bunch that keeps on blooming, especially if you deadhead it. They thrive in both full sun and partial shade, making them an ideal plant for bridging the gap between the two extremes.

  5. Foeniculum vulgare

    Fennel is a popular culinary herb that, when in flower, can add a towering 2 metres in height to your garden border. Its understated foliage provides a soothing backdrop for more vibrant perennials. As an added bonus, you can get them in a bronze hue, which will look great in any garden with a copper theme.

  6. Stipa tenuissima

    We need attractive grasses, and the best option is the Mexican feather grass, if we want to create a border in the cottage style. The smooth, swaying leaves of this grass are unlike any others, making it a perfect backdrop when combined with plants of any kind.

  7. Campanula glomerata

    Ideal for the middle of the border, since it won’t outgrow the other plants there but will tower over shorter ones like verbenas and agastaches. The spectacular bubble of white petals produced by the Campanula g. ‘Alba’ makes it an ideal partner to red roses and other brightly coloured perennials.

  8. Cynara cardunculus

    The globe artichoke is another edible border plant. Its flowering stem can grow to be around 2.5 metres tall, therefore it’s best to plant it towards the back of the border so it has room to expand. Its silvery leaves will make a great contrast with purple flowers, and its sturdy frame will lend your border a sense of order.

  9. Aquilegias

    A dependable bunch of plants available in every imaginable hue. It quickly self-seeds, but the dried seedcaps are delicious. They can be utilised as a bridge plant between the sunnier and shadier portions of your garden because of their tolerance of shade.

  10. Hydrangeas

    Keep in mind that roses and hydrangeas are essential components of any cottage-style garden. Selecting a variety of these deciduous shrubs during their flowering period will provide a longer period of bloom and will prevent any other plants from getting the spotlight. Flowers with any shape or size, including those with mop-heads, lace-caps, or paniculate blooms, are encouraged to visit.


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